Malicious process …
I have recently started to make some basic research with osquery. I investigated some malware infections in the past and I decided that I’m going to take a look at them with osquery as well. I was curious how much data I can retrieve with osquery and how much I will benefit from its usage. I …
NTFS Timestamp changes on …
During my File System Tunneling related investigation I tested NTFS timestamp changes in case of different operations on Windows 10. I used SANS’s DFPS_FOR500_v4.9_4-19 and Cyberforensicator’s timestamp posters for comparison. I found out that my results were different from theirs. In my …
File System Tunneling in …
File System Tunneling is a really old feature of Windows. It was already discussed on many security or Windows administration related blogs and books. However, it is still somewhat obscure for lots of examiners because its forensic implication is limited. The simplest way to test and observe it in …