Saving cost through …
When selecting a new security technology, cost is a crucial factor. It does not matter how effective a tool may be, it becomes irrelevant if it’s unaffordable for you. As a result, it is critical to have someone who is experienced with the solution to prevent overpayment and maximize your …
The cost of a watchlist
Sentinel’s watchlist is a collection of entities that can be used to correlate your logs with a rarely changing data set. Although watchlists can be updated via the Azure Portal GUI or even its API, watchlists are typically left in Sentinel unmaintained and untouched for extended periods. I …
Log splitting with Data …
The initial release of this article appeared on BlueVoyant’s website. Click on this link to read it there, along with some lovely diagrams: Alternately, you may read it on my blog by scrolling down. In a recent article, …
Ingestion-Time Data …
Lately, each month, I see a new feature from Microsoft that I think is going to be a game-changer for Sentinel. And again, there is a new one that was introduced a month ago, and I think it could be a feature that moves Microsoft’s SIEM to the next level. This feature is called the Ingestion-Time …
Per-Table retention in …
The log retention period in any SIEM can have a big impact on your cost as well as your investigation and threat hunt capabilities. Defining a low period can be cheaper but it also limits your capabilities to find patterns in your network, to do proper incident response, and to carry out a threat …
The best Commitment Tier …
A SIEM is the foundation of a modern, well-working SOC. This also means a significant part of the SOC budget can be the cost of the SIEM. Azure Sentinel offers you various payment options based on your usage. Choosing the proper one can make a big difference and can save you a lot of money compared …